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Access: All Videos and PDFs. Validity: 6 Months.



Instructor: Bharat AcharyaLanguage: English

About your course

Learn 8051 Microcontroller in full detail. Enjoy every topic with real world examples. Engineering is really interesting, learn it the right way!

Course contents

Introduction, Architecture, Pins, Flags, Memory Organisation, SFRS, Addressing Modes, Full Instruction set, Assembly Language Programming, Full Theory, Timers, Interrupts, Serial port, Power Saving Modes, Programs of all Embedded system features, Interfacing and programming with LCD, LED, Matrix Keyboard, ADC, DAC, multiplexed 7 segment discplays, Temperature sensor control, Simulator based programming, Full memory system designing...


Watch all the lectures, practice the given programs and I PROMISE, You will be PROUD to add this course CERTIFICATE to your RESUME! 

Subscription Validity

6 Months, Unlimited Views, Detailed Video Lectures, PDF notes for every topic as applicable, Doubt solving on WhatsApp: +91 9136428051, course Certificate.