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Access: All Videos and PDFs. Validity: 6 Months.



Instructor: Bharat AcharyaLanguage: English

About your course

Learn how pentium processor increased the power of computing, exponentially! By concepts like a 5 stage pipeline, superscalar architecture, on-chip floating point unit, branch prediction logic and on-chip split L1 Cache, pentium took giant leaps in computing power. Engineering is easy and interesting when you learn it the right way!

Course contents

Introduction, salient features, superscalar architecture of pentium, integer pipelining, floating point pipelining, pairing algorithm, branch prediction, cacche management of pentium etc.


Once you understand all the lectures, you will be blown away with the giant leaps pentium took in terms of pwerful processing. You will proudly add this course CERTIFICATE to your RESUME! 

Subscription Validity

6 Months, Unlimited Views, Detailed Video Lectures, PDF notes for every topic as applicable, Doubt solving on WhatsApp: +91 9136428051, course Certificate.